Don Bosco Tech Thakurmunda recently organized an exposure visit for its Organic Grower trainees to Laxmi Farm in Champajhar Mayurbhanj. Accompanied by Mr. Abhimanyu Behera (Domain Trainer), the trainees gained practical insights into organic farming on March 14, 2024. Mr. Nilambar Mohanta, the farm owner, warmly welcomed the trainees, emphasizing their interest in organic farming. The visit sparked enthusiasm and confidence among the trainees, exposing them to sustainable farming techniques like crop rotation, composting, and natural pest control methods. They learned about soil health management, organic fertilizers, and integrating livestock into farming for soil enrichment. The trainees also explored certification processes, market demands for organic produce, and visited experimental plots showcasing various organic farming technologies. Mr. Mohanta highlighted the benefits of organic farming in Mayurbhanj's favorable climatic and soil conditions, encouraging the trainees to adopt organic methods.

The visit concluded with the trainees expressing their commitment to convert their fields into organic farms for their families. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Mohanta and the participants by Mr. Behera, acknowledging the valuable learning experience.